Italian football terminology: translation in English
Novembre 2, 2022On this page we offer the translation into English of the Italian football terms most used in the world of football.
ENGLISH ![]() | ITALIAN ![]() |
player | il giocatore |
goalkeeper | il portiere |
ball | la palla |
stadium | lo stadio |
match | la partita |
shot | il tiro |
training | l'allenamento |
throw | la rimessa |
net | la rete |
draw | il pareggio |
half-time | l'intervallo |
goal | il gol |
Offside | il fuorigioco |
sending-off | l'espulsione |
header | il colpo di testa |
handball | il fallo di mano |
own goal | l'autogol |
corner | il calcio d'angolo |
Penalty kick | il calcio di rigore |
free kick | il calcio di punizione |
yellow card | il cartellino giallo |
red card | il cartellino rosso |
referee | l'arbitro |
counterattack | il contropiede |
scorer | Il marcatore |
bench | la panchina |
replacement | la sostituzione |
nutmeg | il tunnel |
crossbar | la traversa |
post | il palo |
save | la parata |
hat-trick | la tripletta |
top scorer | il capocannoniere |
Italian soccer vocabulary with meaning in English
- What does Ala mean? It means Wing
- What does Rigore mean? It means Penalty
- What does Area di Rigore mean? It means Goal Boxe
- What does Autogol and Autorete mean? It means Own Goal
- What does Bandierina mean? It means Flag
- What does Arbitro mean? It means Referee
- What does Rovesciata mean? It means Bicycle Kick
- What does Calcio d’Inizio mean? It means Kickoff
- What does Catenaccio mean? It means Bunker Defense
- What does Centrocampista mean? It means Midfielder
- What does Contropiede mean? It means Counterattack
- What does Calcio d’Angolo mean? It means Corner