Italian football terminology: translation in English

Italian football terminology: translation in English

Novembre 2, 2022 Off Di FAQSoccer

On this page we offer the translation into English of the Italian football terms most used in the world of football.

playeril giocatore
goalkeeperil portiere
ballla palla
stadiumlo stadio
matchla partita
shotil tiro
throwla rimessa
netla rete
drawil pareggio
goalil gol
Offsideil fuorigioco
sending-off l'espulsione
headeril colpo di testa
handballil fallo di mano
own goall'autogol
corneril calcio d'angolo
Penalty kickil calcio di rigore
free kickil calcio di punizione
yellow cardil cartellino giallo
red cardil cartellino rosso
counterattackil contropiede
scorerIl marcatore
benchla panchina
replacementla sostituzione
nutmegil tunnel
crossbarla traversa
postil palo
savela parata
hat-trickla tripletta
top scoreril capocannoniere

Italian soccer vocabulary with meaning in English

  • What does Ala mean? It means Wing
  • What does Rigore mean? It means Penalty
  • What does Area di Rigore mean? It means Goal Boxe
  • What does Autogol and Autorete mean? It means Own Goal
  • What does Bandierina mean? It means Flag
  • What does Arbitro mean? It means Referee
  • What does Rovesciata mean? It means Bicycle Kick
  • What does Calcio d’Inizio mean? It means Kickoff
  • What does Catenaccio mean? It means Bunker Defense
  • What does Centrocampista mean? It means Midfielder
  • What does Contropiede mean? It means Counterattack
  • What does Calcio d’Angolo mean? It means Corner